What is a CHC?

Community Health Centres (CHCs) are non-profit organizations that provide a range of comprehensive primary care services and health promotion programs for individuals, families and communities.

CHCs operate under the principle that people’s health and wellbeing is influenced by non-medical factors such as income, employment, social supports, housing, nutrition, education and the environment. These factors are taken into account when planning care for individuals and programs for the community. CHCs provide education and assist people in accessing the resources and supports they need from other community agencies. Their programs and services, in collaboration with community agencies, contribute to the development of healthy communities.

Keeping people well, and keeping communities well. Under one roof, Ontario’s CHC clients receive clinical care from doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, dietitians, social workers and other kinds of clinical health providers. They work as a team to make sure the client gets the right care, at the right time, delivered by the most appropriate provider. Health promoters, community workers and others respond to health problems triggered by social, environmental or economic problems with customized services and community programs.

– Alliance for Healthier Communities